Case Studies

Since late 2015, we have studied the refugee crisis in Europe and the Middle East. In this page, we present three case studies in three different cities in Germany. Refugees are everywhere in Germany, even in smaller towns and villages. The case study cities are at different scales and include Borken (15,000 people), Kassel, a mid-size city (200,000), and Essen, a larger city (600,000) which is part of the still larger Ruhr Area Megacity. In these cities we try to understand the life of refugees from their original escape city and country to their arrival in these new communities. Our research focuses on the social-spatial aspects of refugee experiences, and the impacts on urban morphology and building typology. We also try to understand how refugees manage their new life in partial safety of place, shelter, food and financial support, but also in uncertainty and insecurity until officially accepted as refugees. Beyond crisis, we are looking at how refugees can and will try to integrate into their host countries, cities, and neighborhoods and start a new life. Urban architecture projects for housing and work opportunities that help the process of integration are part of this study. Particularly, we investigate the reality on the ground of the positive Wilkommen Kultur (welcome culture) and the high expectations and implied promises that were set in 2015 by Angela Merkel and German society.

Case study by Professor Hajo Neis, Briana Meier, and Tomoki Furukawazono has been published on the “Urban Planning” (ISSN: 2183-7635).

Neis, H., Meier, B., & Furukawazono, T. (2018). Welcome City: Refugees in Three German Cities. Urban Planning, 3(4), 101-115. doi:


Population: 582,614 (2015.12.31)

Refugee Population
2015: 4,391 (new)
2016: 4,125 (new)
total: approx. 20,000

Refugees in Essen



Kassel County

Population: 235,813 (2015.12.31)

Refugee Population
total: approx. 1,500

Refugees in Kassel County




Population: 12,633 (2015.12.31)

Refugee Population
total: approx. 200

Refugees in Borken
